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Sexual Assault Support and Resources

Please know that no one deserves to be assaulted, no matter what. Everyone has the right to be safe and control what happens to their bodies. When someone forces you into sexual contact that you do not want, they are wrong.

Often when people hear about sexual assault, they automatically think about rape. However, sexual assaults occur on a continuum of intrusion and violation. If permission has not been given or the individual does not want to engage in the sexual activity or is tricked, coerced, or pressured into the behavior, it is sexual assault. It is also a sexual assault when the sexual behavior occurs when a person is unable to give consent due to being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Whether or not you contact a Responder, the University of Mount Union strongly recommends that you utilize on-campus and/or external resources. Please call the Rape Crisis Hotline at (330) 452-1111, which is run by Community Services of Stark County. Workers at the hotline can answer your questions and provide support, hospital advocacy, and counseling, as well as referrals to longer-term treatment and help with health and financial issues. You can also contact sexual misconduct responders on campus by clicking here or the Title IX team by emailing

      Sexual Assault Resources

      There are many decisions you will be making in your recovery from sexual assault. The University of Mount Union provides services that can assist you with this process.

      • Reporting an Assault

        Mount Union encourages you to file a report about the incident. By providing the Title IX coordinators and the Alliance Police Department with information, you may be able to prevent future assaults against yourself and others. It is vital that you make a report as soon as possible, particularly if the situation involves a stranger assault. The potential danger to you and the community is higher with stranger assaults. Reporting is not the same as prosecuting. While the investigation and charges placed will not be under your control, you will have the opportunity to make your wishes regarding prosecution known. 

        In order to report to the police, you can call the police department and an officer will meet you to take a statement from you. If you would rather not have the officer come to where you are, you can also go to the police department to make your report. If you go to the hospital for an examination, hospital personnel will contact the police and you can make a report there.

        Important Contacts

        Alliance Police Department – 470 E. Market | 911 or (330) 821-3131

        Chief Diversity Officer and Senior Title IX Administrator
        Mark Black – (330) 829-4904

        Associate Diversity Officer and Title IX Co-Coordinator
        Andrew Boothe – (330) 829-6500

        Executive Director of Student Accountability and Deputy Title IX Coordinator
        Max Sullivan – (330) 829-2765

      • Medical Care

        Receiving medical care as soon as possible following a sexual assault or attempted sexual assault is extremely important for two reasons. First, you may have suffered injuries of which you are unaware of or unable to determine. Testing, treatment, and information regarding sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy may also be needed. 

        Secondly, if you think there may be any possibility that you will wish to pursue prosecuting the offender, a medical/legal examination for the collection of evidence is vital. Having evidence collected does not mean prosecution. The forensic evidence will be stored until there has been an investigation. While certain medical assistance can be received from several locations, Alliance Community Hospital is the only local place where evidence necessary for medical and forensic evaluation can be collected and secured for legal purposes.

        Important Contacts

        Alliance Community Hospital – 200 E. State St.  | (330) 596-6000

        Mount Union Health Center – (330) 823-2692

        Alliance Health Department – 537 E. Market | (330) 821-7373

        Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio – 2663 Cleveland Ave. NW, Canton | (330) 456-7191

        Alliance Pregnancy Center – 75 Glamorgan Ave. | (330) 821-7283

      • Counseling Services

        It is important for you to speak to a counselor, not because there is something wrong with you, but because you have been hurt. Having someone that can listen and help you sort through your feelings is an important step toward gaining control of your life again.  

        One way you can receive counseling is through the Alliance Rape Crisis Hotline, which is sponsored by COMPASS, Inc. Their counseling services are free and can be long-term, if necessary. There are also support groups available through Rape Crisis.  

        Mount Union Counseling Services are also an excellent way for you to receive confidential assistance. Counseling Services has counselors who can talk with you and help you in your process of emotional healing. Campus counselors meet with students for a limited number of sessions; however, if further counseling is needed, they will help you get additional assistance. 

        Important Contacts

        Alcohol, Drug and Wellness Education – (330)-829-6660

        Alliance Rape Crisis Center – (330) 452-1111

        Counseling Services – (330) 823-2886

        Mount Union Chaplain's Office​ – (330) 823-2838

      • Sexual Misconduct Responders

        Sexual misconduct responders are Mount Union faculty and staff members who are trained to help you understand your options. They will not make decisions for you but will provide you with the knowledge you need to make your own decisions. The responder you call will either come to you or make arrangements to meet you. The choice is yours. The responder will assist you as you address counseling, medical, and legal issues, and help you with any other concerns you may have.

        Sexual Misconduct Responders List

        By contacting a Responder, you can gain valuable assistance and information to help you make the many decisions ahead of you. You will also have someone to support you during this challenging time. The Responder will bring you written materials that explain your many options. 

        It is important to note that if you talk with a responder s/he is required by school policy and by law to report the assault to the police and to the Title IX staff. This report does not mean you have to make a statement or pursue prosecution, just that the police will be informed of what happened. If you are unwilling to make a statement, you will need to tell the police this directly. Please be aware that you will not be able to control the progress or outcome of a legal investigation, but that your wishes will be given serious consideration.

        There are decisions you need to make with or without a Responder. Please give serious consideration to getting assistance from a responder or other trained sexual assault advocate. In case you decide to work through this process without the benefit of a Responder's assistance, the remainder of this website focuses on the major issues you will need to address during your recovery from sexual assault. 

        Whether or not you contact a responder, it is strongly recommended that you call the Rape Crisis Hotline, which is run by Community Services of Stark County. Workers at the Hotline can answer your questions and provide support, hospital advocacy, and counseling, as well as, referral to longer-term treatment and help with health and financial issues.